Technology-rich innovation in schools

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a resource for European schools
... contents / roadmap roadmap | references | authors |
The roadmap is a planning tool for schools in various stages of eMaturity
Awakening interest and identifying promising pathways
Seeking early lessons
Steady, supportive development
From pilots to stable change
Becoming self-generative



Key ideas






Impact on teaching and learning of rapid growth of knowledge and information from a technological perspective

General understanding of how technology can improve teaching and learning

Understanding methodologies of how ICT can be integrated into the curriculum

Understand how ICT can improve learning of the curriculum

Design methodologies for integration of technologies in learning


Knowledge of global and local needs and challenges in terms of ICT use and familiarity

An initial map of the basic existing needs of the school is built addressing all the basic needs in terms of equipment, professional development, and its uptake in  the institution learning environments.

Schools with already existing ICT infrastructure start designing the necessary professional development and implementation opportunities in the framework of the curricula.

ICT confident school will map the existing opportunities in the school community to engage in exchange projects and enhance learning experiences such as the use of real research in classroom.

Opportunities offered by OER and MOOCs are mapped and a vision for their integration in learning environment built. The school can rehearse innovative student centred models.

Scan the horizon to search for best practice examples

The map built in the first step is now populated with existing best practice examples in order to design the whole implementation process

Best practice examples are integrated in this phase and teacher will engage in actual implementation exercises

Exploration of research opportunities and engagement of students in real research projects is foreseen for this phase

Innovative experiences, based in existing best practice examples, or new creative opportunities are created in this phase involving students in cutting edge educational research experiences.

Find innovative examples and partners

Partnership with other institutions that already started their change path towards a more ICT based development is advised at this stage

Interschool collaboration where teachers can implement already successfully tested examples in classroom should be implemented

School can participate for instance in real research campaigns with support of various institutions that promote such possibilities

Schools can design their own experiments and engage students in development of their own projects promoting entrepreneurship skills and ICT innovation.

Involvement of the community

The school and local community play a major role in ensuring the feasibility of the roadmap designed in the first place. They are the facilitators and key players at stage.

School community is a perfect stage to exchange good examples between peers in the same subject area or for interchange and collaboration between different grade levels and subject areas

The local community can play a very important part in this phase, in particular when stakeholders can support the vision of the school for the uptake of innovative methods and solutions.

School and local communities can be drivers of change in this phase and could/should support the whole vision.

Receptivity to new ideas

Schools should be opened to the use of ICT innovation for upgrading the teaching/learning process.

Schools should be aware of new ideas and new trends emerging in the field of ICT based education

New forms of learning environments are emerging and the ICT e-confident school should take advantage of cutting edge best practice examples in the field of education

e-mature schools are in a perfect position to pilot new ideas and to create change in the field of education.

Finding effective communication channels

The whole school community have to be involved in the changes foreseen and continuously informed about the developments taking place

Communication from top-dow and vice-versa should take place at all stages when redesigning the use of existing facilities and roles played by the different stakeholders

e-confident schools can innovate faster and new solutions will pop-up in diverse areas. A proper communication channels has to be designed to ensure maximal uptake of good outcomes

e-mature schools can use modern channels to ensure instant communication between all teams fostering the innovative path in the school


School proficiency level related to field trial


Teachers have general computer literacy but they do not use it in everyday classroom activities. No systematic teacher training and curriculum/eLearning development program and action plan. Limited access to electronic learning resources. “Drill & Practice” learning/teaching method prevails in the classroom. Community (parents etc.) is not informed/involved in educational activities.

Some experiences in using ICT tools in the classroom. Teamwork and some active learning elements are used in the classroom.
Growing confidence among teachers how to use new learning methods. Teachers are starting to share learning ideas with each other and inform parents.

ICT confident school uses actively new pupil centered learning methodologies. Schools development program and action plan is followed. School participates in online learning events and is taking lead/coordination in more simple events. School is working actively to set up good relations with parents and community around the school

Teachers/school has extensive experiences in using new learning methodologies and ICT and they have participated in collaborative online learning events and research projects. Teachers have experiences and understanding about cultures (cultural differences) in countries involved with projects.

The level of complexity of field  trials

Designing elearning development plan and teacher training programme. Using simple electronic presentation  and content in the classroom.

Participating in intra-school, intra-region learning events and contests (quizzes etc.). Making learning flexible in the classroom though using interactive / electronic content and programs

Filed trials, which engage pupils and teachers into more simple learning events internationally and more systematic collaborative project in own region / country.
Starting to organize/coordinate learning events on their own.

Taking part in different online collaborative learning events, also the ones, which last months and involve synchronous communication and series of activities (like storytelling projects etc.) and often also travels.

Organisational “to-do list”

Preparing elearning development plan and teacher training programme in the school. Searching for contacts, teacher training opportunities. Upgrading school's ICT infrastructure. Involving/informing community (parents) into development plans of the school.

Starting to implement development plan, selecting filed trials, which require collaboration between classes and learning situations. Actively participating in teacher training events, networking events, information days.

Participating in different online learning events and trials. Coordinating events on regional level and simple events also multiculturally.

Maintaining and developing learning contacts in all levels. Coordinating learning events and participating in them. Functioning like a regional innovation centre and sharing experiences.



Focus on short term

Focus on medium term

Focus on long term

Focus on organic community to auto-administer


Provide classical assessment method and limited feedback

Improve classical assessment methods and improve feedback

Provide a ground for self-assessment

Use digital resources for students to interact as peer and provide feedback


Get support from workshop organization

Get support from author of the resources

Get support from a community

Provides support to a community


Use downloaded resources directly

Minor localization to downloaded resources

Major localization to downloaded resources

Contribute back to the community with a guide and support for successful localization


Use downloaded resources directly

Minor changes to downloaded resources

Major changes to downloaded resources

Contribute with own resources








Dissemination and diffusion

Headmasters organize some basic presentations and workshops about ODS. They appoint an e-Learning ODS team.

The e-Learning ODS team develops e-Learning vision with the help of the headmaster.

E-learning vision is integraded into the school curriculum.

E-learning is implemented in classrooms. Both eachers and students use it.


Headmasters find funds for a couple of teachers who will be sent to some basic e-Learning trainings, seminars or academies.

The trained teachers train the interested groups of teachers in school.

All of the teachers are trained to use e-Learning systems.

The teachers implement e-Learning in their classrooms, prepare demonstration lessons and get points for professional development.




This booklet was produced via the Open Discovery Space project, partially funded by the European Commission CIP PSP Grant agreement 297229.